Amanda Eppers: Auction 2024 (2024)

[Amanda Eppers]
Today the Gator is sitting down with Miss Eppers to discuss what she does for the Brimmer Auction and what the Brimmer Auction is.

[Chloe Rose Scolnick]
Okay so I've been doing this for 18 years. This was my 18th auction.

[Amanda Eppers]
So you're a pro.

[Chloe Rose Scolnick]
I'm a pro. And basically what we try and focus the monies that we raise to enhance the financial aid of money that we don't, that aren't, things that aren't covered by tuition, you know, costs alone to go toward people who are receiving financial aid. So we raise money for financial aid and then we also go into the classrooms.

And with lower school, we usually raise money to purchase equipment for the playground. This year we were fortunate enough to get a lot of money for blue brick blocks which are kind of construction, almost like Lego, so they're large foam, yes. And then for upper and middle school, we got projectors slash whiteboards that we could put in classrooms which is incredible.

[Amanda Eppers]
Yeah, that's great.

[Chloe Rose Scolnick]
It's made to be replaced. So, and then the rest of it is just really bringing our community together. We really love having people come from the lower grades to upper grades and just have a fun night.

[Amanda Eppers]
Yes, definitely. I love all the parents that go, great time, faculty as well. Definitely one of the great events here at the school.

And I think it's nice that essentially it's just funding for all the things that can make the school better. Yeah, exactly. We're so fortunate to already have so many things covered and that we get all this extra stuff which is so exciting for everyone.

[Chloe Rose Scolnick]
It is, and it's a really fun night. Mr. J is the best auctioneer.

[Amanda Eppers]
Oh, really, I don't even know you.

[Chloe Rose Scolnick]
Yeah, no, he's been doing this for 20 years plus, and he is fabulous at knowing everybody's name and picking people out and pitting them against each other. So it's really fun to watch him work his magic and raise money for the school, so.

[Amanda Eppers]
Definitely sounds like an eventful night. So I know that you obviously play a big role in organizing the auction. What goes into that kind of the behind the scenes?

[Chloe Rose Scolnick]
So we start typically in September. I coordinate an auction committee of parents from a variety of the age groups, and we just start planning. Once we have the venue, this was a new venue for us this year, Garage B over at the Speedway in Brighton.

And we start reaching out to people to request donations. We hype it up with the bulletin and online, and just, sorry, I got distracted. No worries.

[Amanda Eppers]
Just like the planning that goes into it. Yes, sorry, I know you're very crazy busy right now.

[Chloe Rose Scolnick]
No, that's okay, it's all right. But we also look out to the community, outside of the community. We like to be able to have donations that work with women-owned businesses and sporting events and.

Oh, so like reaching out to outside facilities for things to donate to the school. Exactly, so this year we had a smattering of meal plan services and reiki session. We had.

Definitely a big variety. Big variety, the Lars Anderson Car Museum gave us memberships to auction off. So it really goes the gamut.

We also got a big box at Fenway for a game in September, so.

[Amanda Eppers]
Oh, that's fun. Which is like for 20 people.

[Chloe Rose Scolnick]
So lots of different cool items that people are really excited about. But it takes a long time. It's surprising how just for one night, it's like planning a wedding almost.

But it's a lot of fun. It's nice to work with the parents.

[Amanda Eppers]
Well, it's great, because I think it's like people that are going to go buy stuff at an auction, they're also getting something, some great event or token of something that they can take home with them and also support the community. Which is a really nice thought, especially if their kids go here, whether it be alumni or parents. Exactly.

[Chloe Rose Scolnick]
So, and I think also, you just touched on it, being able to have price points for all different people who go to the event, because it's not cheap. So we try and make it worthwhile for everybody. So we have a wall of wine where someone pays $25 to get a surprise wrapped bottle of wine.

And it can range from $15 to $150. So even a teacher or somebody who doesn't have a lot of extra money to spend, they can still come home with something and say, I supported. And I think that's great.

[Amanda Eppers]
Which is great. There's such a wide variety of people here financially that everyone can participate in this. Yes, and Brim is really great about that.

[Chloe Rose Scolnick]
Yeah, yeah, I think so too.

[Amanda Eppers]
So when did you start planning this?

[Chloe Rose Scolnick]
So we started in September.

[Amanda Eppers]
Wow, so you only have a few months of rest for the next one.

[Chloe Rose Scolnick]
I know, exactly, but that's plenty. But it really takes about, I'd say a good eight months. So just making sure all your T's are crossed and your I's are dotted.

It definitely needs the time to make it amazing. So, and I think we definitely accomplished that this year and people were really happy. So we netted about $107,000.

Oh, wow.

[Amanda Eppers]
Yeah. So definitely worth it.

[Chloe Rose Scolnick]
Definitely worth it. Definitely worth all the time. That's great.

And energy, yeah.

[Amanda Eppers]
Well, thank you so much for sitting down with us. I'm sharing a little bit about the auction. I personally knew nothing.

[Chloe Rose Scolnick]
I'm good.

[Amanda Eppers]
I definitely learned, I wanna go.

[Chloe Rose Scolnick]
It's fun. We typically also have a number of students come and volunteer that night. Might have to go next year.

Exactly, yeah. Anytime, anytime to come back. Thank you so much.

Sure, you're welcome.

Amanda Eppers: Auction 2024 (2024)
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