Lufthansa LH4356 (OCN132) von Frankfurt nach Windhoek (2024)

Betrieben von Eurowings Discover als Flug 4Y132
01. Sep 2024

Dieser Flug ist geplant, er wird in 6 Stunden abfliegen.


CHECK-IN: 474-488


10h 25m
8.120km / 5.012mi

01 Sep 21:55CEST
19:55 UTC

02 Sep 08:20CAT
06:20 UTC


Eurowings Discover

4Y / OCN

Informationen Zur Fluggesellschaft
" : ""}Lufthansa LH4356 (OCN132) von Frankfurt nach Windhoek (5)`; if (activeHex in marker) { liveMap.removeLayer(marker[activeHex]); } const m = L.marker(activeMarker.getLatLng(), { icon: L.divIcon({ className: 'flt-marker', html: htmlc }), alt: activeHex, opacity: lp[7] != '' ? 0.9 : 0.6 }).addTo(liveMap).on('click', onPlaneClick); marker[activeHex] = m; document.getElementById(`mi-${activeHex}`).style.transform = `rotate(${lp[2]}deg)`; activeMarker = null; } activeHex = null; liveTrack = null; liveMarker = null; estTrack = null; document.getElementById('liveMapContainer').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('mapSearch').style.display = 'block';} /** * Recalculates the new position of a marker based on the time elapsed and its previous state. * @param {Object} liveMap */async function updateCalc(liveMap) { if (recalcInProg || liveMap.getZoom() < 6) { return; } recalcInProg = true; for (const [key, prevPos] of Object.entries(lastPos)) { if (key in marker && prevPos[3] >= 50 && !prevPos[6]) { const speed = prevPos[3] || 0; const interval = - prevPos[4]; const dist = speed * interval / 1000 / 3600 * 1852; if (dist < 20) { continue; } // calculate next position const lat1 = toRad(prevPos[0]); const lon1 = toRad(prevPos[1]); const brng = toRad(prevPos[2]); const lat2 = Math.asin(sin(lat1) * cos(dist / r_earth) + cos(lat1) * sin(dist / r_earth) * cos(brng)); const lon2 = lon1 + Math.atan2(sin(brng) * sin(dist / r_earth) * cos(lat1), cos(dist / r_earth) - sin(lat1) * sin(lat2)); const lat2d = toDeg(lat2); const lon2d = toDeg(lon2); lastPos[key] = [lat2d, lon2d, prevPos[2], prevPos[3],, prevPos[5], prevPos[6], prevPos[7]]; marker[key].setLatLng([lat2d, lon2d]); if (liveTrack && activeMarker == key) { const l = liveTrack.getLatLngs(); l.push(L.latLng(lat2d, lon2d, prevPos[5])); try { liveTrack.setLatLngs(l); } catch (e) { /* Catch error silently. */ } if (activeDest) { const tn = L.latLng(lat2d, lon2d); liveMap.removeLayer(estTrack); const arcOptions = { color: "lightgray", noClip: true, vertices: 100 }; estTrack = t.lng < tn.lng ? L.Polyline.Arc(activeDest, tn, arcOptions) : L.Polyline.Arc(tn, activeDest, arcOptions); estTrack.addTo(liveMap); tracks.push(estTrack); } } } } recalcInProg = false;}/** * Fetches data from a specific URL, handles errors and returns the JSON response. * @param {string} url */async function getData(url) { const response = await fetch(url, { headers: { Authorization: auth_token } }); if (!response.ok) { handleFetchErrors(response); return null; } if (sf === "") { document.getElementById("liveUpdErr").style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById("liveUpdNotFound").style.display = 'none'; } return response.json();}/** * Handles errors during fetch call * @param {Object} response */function handleFetchErrors(response) { if (sf !== "") return; const liveUpdErr = document.getElementById("liveUpdErr"); const liveUpdNotFound = document.getElementById("liveUpdNotFound"); const liveMapContainer = document.getElementById("liveMapContainer"); const mapSearch = document.getElementById("mapSearch"); if (response.status !== 404) { refreshsActive = false; = 'none'; = 'block'; = 'none'; = 'block'; document.getElementById("liveUpdErrCode").innerText = response.status; } else { = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'block'; = 'block'; }}async function updateMap(liveMap, fromZoom, clickHex) { if (documentIsHidden()) return; const bounds = liveMap.getBounds(); const url = constructURL(bounds, liveMap.getZoom(), clickHex); if (updateInProgressOrTooSoon(fromZoom)) return; recalcInProg = true; lastUpdate =; updateInProg = true; const ld = await getData(url); if (!ld) { updateInProg = false; return; } processMapData(liveMap, ld, fromZoom, clickHex);}function documentIsHidden() { return typeof document.hidden !== "undefined" && document.hidden;}function constructURL(bounds, zoom, clickHex) { const widthText = screenWidth > 1000 ? "large" : "small"; const hexIncl = clickHex ? `?incl=${clickHex}&` : "?"; return `/en/live/map/${Math.floor(bounds['_northEast'].lat * 1e5)}/${Math.floor(bounds['_southWest'].lat * 1e5)}/` + `${Math.floor(bounds['_southWest'].lng * 1e5)}/${Math.floor(bounds['_northEast'].lng * 1e5)}/${zoom}/${widthText}` + hexIncl + `${Math.floor( / 5000)}`;}function updateInProgressOrTooSoon(fromZoom) { if (updateInProg) { return true; } const freq = fromZoom ? minZoomFreq : minRefreshFreq; return - lastUpdate < freq;}function processMapData(liveMap, ld, fromZoom, clickHex) { newMarker = {}; arcs = []; curArc = []; arcCol = ""; prevCoord = []; document.getElementById("nr_flights_disp").innerText = ld["f"]; document.getElementById("nr_flights_tot").innerText = ld["t"]; const st = screenWidth / ld["f"] > 5; const redraw = st !== hadTitles; for (const entr in ld["m"]) { const e = ld["m"][entr]; handleMarker(liveMap, e, redraw, st); } hadTitles = st; removeUnusedMarkers(liveMap); updateInProg = false; recalcInProg = false; firstUpd = false; if (clickHex) { marker[clickHex].fire('click'); }}function handleMarker(liveMap, e, redraw, st) { if (e[4] == null || e[5] == null) { return; } const currentPos = L.latLng(e[4], e[5]); if (redraw && e[0] in marker) { liveMap.removeLayer(marker[e[0]]); delete marker[e[0]]; } if (e[0] in marker) { updateExistingMarker(e, currentPos); } else { createNewMarker(liveMap, e, currentPos, st); }}function updateExistingMarker(e, currentPos) { const m = marker[e[0]]; m.setLatLng(currentPos); lastPos[e[0]] = [e[4], e[5], e[2], e[6],, e[7], e[8], e[9]]; newMarker[e[0]] = true; document.getElementById("mi-" + e[0]).style.transform = "rotate(" + e[2] + "deg)";}function createNewMarker(liveMap, e, currentPos, st) { var des = TypeDesignatorIcons[e[10]]; if (!des) { des = DefaultIcon; } const htmlc = (st ? "

" + e[9] + "

" : "") + "Lufthansa LH4356 (OCN132) von Frankfurt nach Windhoek (6)"; const m = L.marker(currentPos, { icon: L.divIcon({ className: 'flt-marker', html: htmlc }), alt: e[0], opacity: e[3] ? 0.9 : 0.6 }).addTo(liveMap).on('click', onPlaneClick); marker[e[0]] = m; markerType[e[0]] = des; newMarker[e[0]] = true; lastPos[e[0]] = [e[4], e[5], e[2], e[6],, e[7], e[8], e[9]]; document.getElementById("mi-" + e[0]).style.transform = "rotate(" + e[2] + "deg)";}function removeUnusedMarkers(liveMap) { for (const m in marker) { if (!(m in newMarker) && m != activeHex) { liveMap.removeLayer(marker[m]); delete marker[m]; } }}function onPlaneClick(e) { if (sf != "") { return; } updateInProg = true; const liveMap =; const hex =; if (hex == activeHex) { return; } updateTrack(liveMap, `/${lang}/live/track_hex/${hex}`, hex, e);}function onMoveend(e) { localStorage.setItem('livemapCenter', JSON.stringify(; localStorage.setItem('livemapZoom',; updateMap(e.sourceTarget, false); } function onZoomed(e) { updateMap(e.sourceTarget, true) }// Define a utility function for creating a markerfunction createMarker(latLng, iconClass, htmlContent, alt, opacity) { return L.marker(latLng, { icon: L.divIcon({ className: iconClass, html: htmlContent }), alt: alt, opacity: opacity, }).on('click', onPlaneClick);}function updateTrack(liveMap, url, hex, e) { let prevCoord = null; let prevCoordFull = null; getData(url).then(function (ld) { if (!ld) { return; } const hadNoHex = hex === ""; if (hex === "" && url.includes("hex")) { hex = ld[0]; } else if (hex === "") { hex = ld[1]; } if (activeMarker && hex !== activeHex) { // Reset old marker const lp = lastPos[activeHex]; const des = markerType[activeHex]; const htmlc = (hadTitles ? "

" + lp[7] + "

" : "") + "Lufthansa LH4356 (OCN132) von Frankfurt nach Windhoek (7)`; liveMap.removeLayer(marker[activeHex]); const m = L.marker(activeMarker.getLatLng(), { icon: L.divIcon({ className: 'flt-marker', html: htmlc }), alt: activeHex, opacity: lp[7] != '' ? 0.9 : 0.6 }).addTo(liveMap).on('click', onPlaneClick); marker[activeHex] = m; markerType[activeHex] = des; document.getElementById("mi-" + activeHex).style.transform = "rotate(" + lp[2] + "deg)"; activeMarker = m; } // Set new marker const target = e ? : marker[hex]; if (hex !== activeHex && target) { const lp = lastPos[hex]; const des = markerType[hex]; const htmlc = (hadTitles ? "

" + lp[7] + "

" : "") + "Lufthansa LH4356 (OCN132) von Frankfurt nach Windhoek (8)`; const m = L.marker(target.getLatLng(), { icon: L.divIcon({ className: 'flt-marker', html: htmlc }), alt: hex, opacity: ld[3] ? 0.9 : 0.6 }).addTo(liveMap).on('click', onPlaneClick); marker[hex] = m; liveMap.removeLayer(target); activeMarker = m; if (!e) { document.getElementById("mi-" + hex).style.transform = "rotate(" + lp[2] + "deg)"; } } refreshsActive = true; recalcInProg = true; arcs = []; curArc = []; arcCol = ""; prevCoord = []; track = ld[23]; if (sf === "") { if (ld[0] !== "") { domElements.get("liveFlnr").href = `/${lang}/live/flight_details/${ld[10]}`; domElements.get("liveFlnr").innerText = ld[0]; } else { domElements.get("liveFlnr").innerText = ""; domElements.get("liveFlnr").href = ""; } if (ld[21]) { domElements.get("liveAirline").innerText = ld[21]; } else { domElements.get("liveAirline").innerText = ""; } domElements.get("liveHex").innerText = ld[1]; if (ld[2] !== "" && ld[2] !== ld[0]) { domElements.get("liveCallsign").innerText = ld[2]; } else { domElements.get("liveCallsign").innerText = ""; } if (ld[3] !== "") { domElements.get("liveReg").href = `/${lang}/planes/${ld[3]}`; domElements.get("liveRegBlock").style.display = "block"; domElements.get("liveReg").innerText = ld[3]; } else { domElements.get("liveReg").innerText = "NA"; domElements.get("liveRegBlock").style.display = "none"; domElements.get("liveReg").href = ""; } if (ld[4] !== "NA") { if (domElements.get("liveRouteContainer")) { domElements.get("liveRouteContainer").style.display = "block"; } domElements.get("liveDep").innerText = ld[5]; domElements.get("liveDepFlag").src = "/staticfiles/" + ld[6].toLowerCase() + ".svg"; domElements.get("liveDep").href = `/${lang}/airport/${ld[5]}/${ld[4]}`; domElements.get("liveDepTime").innerText = ld[11]; if (ld[19] && ld[19] !== "+0") { domElements.get("liveDepDelay").innerText = ld[19]; } else { domElements.get("liveDepDelay").innerText = ""; } } else { domElements.get("liveDep").innerText = "NA"; domElements.get("liveDepTime").innerText = ""; domElements.get("liveDepDelay").innerText = ""; if (domElements.get("liveRouteContainer")) { domElements.get("liveRouteContainer").style.display = "none"; } } if (ld[7] !== "NA") { if (domElements.get("liveRouteContainer")) { domElements.get("liveRouteContainer").style.display = "block"; } domElements.get("liveArr").innerText = ld[8]; domElements.get("liveArrFlag").src = "/staticfiles/" + ld[9].toLowerCase() + ".svg"; domElements.get("liveArr").href = `/${lang}/airport/${ld[8]}/${ld[7]}`; domElements.get("liveArrTime").innerText = ld[12]; if (ld[20] && ld[20] !== "+0") { domElements.get("liveArrDelay").innerText = ld[20]; } else { domElements.get("liveArrDelay").innerText = ""; } } else { domElements.get("liveArr").innerText = "NA"; domElements.get("liveArrTime").innerText = ""; domElements.get("liveArrDelay").innerText = ""; if (domElements.get("liveRouteContainer")) { domElements.get("liveRouteContainer").style.display = "none"; } } if (ld[10] !== null) { domElements.get("liveLink").href = `/${lang}/live/flight_details/${ld[10]}`; domElements.get("liveLink").style.display = "block"; } else { domElements.get("liveLink").style.display = "none"; } const lt = track[track.length - 1]; domElements.get("liveAlt").innerText = lt[3] + " ft"; domElements.get("liveSpeed").innerText = lt[5] + " kts"; domElements.get("liveTrack").innerText = lt[4] + "°"; if (ld[18] !== "") { domElements.get("planePic").src = ld[18]; domElements.get("planePic").style.display = "block"; } else { domElements.get("planePic").style.display = "none"; } if (ld[22]) { domElements.get("liveType").innerText = ld[22]; domElements.get("liveTypeBlock").style.display = "block"; } else { domElements.get("liveTypeBlock").style.display = "none"; domElements.get("liveType").innerText = "NA"; } } // update upper items if relevant const liveStatusInd = domElements.get("liveStatusInd"); const liveStatusText = domElements.get("liveStatusText"); if (liveStatusInd && true) { if (!domElements.has("liveTrackHB")) { domElements.set("liveAltHB", document.getElementById("liveAltHB")); domElements.set("liveSpeedHB", document.getElementById("liveSpeedHB")); domElements.set("liveTrackHB", document.getElementById("liveTrackHB")); domElements.set("liveDataHB", document.getElementById("liveDataHB")); } liveStatusInd.innerText = ld[17] ? "Live" : "Gelandet"; const lt = ld[23][ld[23].length - 1]; if (domElements.get("depTimeLiveHB")) { domElements.get("depTimeLiveHB").innerText = ld[11]; domElements.get("arrTimeLiveHB").innerText = ld[12]; domElements.get("depDelHB").innerText = ld[19]; domElements.get("arrDelHB").innerText = ld[20]; domElements.get("liveAltHB").innerText = lt[3]; domElements.get("liveSpeedHB").innerText = lt[5]; domElements.get("liveTrackHB").innerText = lt[4]; } if (!ld[17]) { domElements.get("liveDataHB").style.display = "none"; } } if (liveStatusText && ld[17]) { liveStatusText.innerText = ""; } if (ld[13] !== null && ld[14] !== null && track.length > 0 && Math.abs(ld[13] - track[0][1] / 1e5) > 1 && Math.abs(ld[14] - track[0][2] / 1e5) > 1) { arcs.push([[[ld[13], ld[14]], [track[0][1] / 1e5, track[0][2] / 1e5]], "lightgray", true]); } prevCoord = null; prevCoordFull = null; lp = null; for (const entr in track) { const p = track[entr]; if (p[1] === null || p[2] === null || p.length == 0) { continue; } let col = "green"; if (prevCoord && (Math.abs(prevCoord[0] - p[1] / 1e5) > 1 || Math.abs(prevCoord[1] - p[2] / 1e5) > 1)) { arcs.push([curArc, arcCol, false]); arcCol = ""; arcs.push([[[prevCoord[0], prevCoord[1]], L.latLng(p[1] / 1e5, p[2] / 1e5, p[3])], "lightgray", true]); curArc = [L.latLng(p[1] / 1e5, p[2] / 1e5, p[3])]; } else if (arcCol !== col) { if (curArc.length > 0) { arcs.push([curArc, arcCol, false]); } if (prevCoord) { curArc = [prevCoord]; } else { curArc = []; } arcCol = col; } prevCoordFull = [p[1] / 1e5, p[2] / 1e5, p[4], p[5],, p[3], false, ld[0]]; prevCoord = L.latLng(p[1] / 1e5, p[2] / 1e5, p[3]); curArc.push(prevCoord); if (p[4] !== 0) { lastTrack = p[4]; } } if (curArc.length > 0) { arcs.push([curArc, arcCol]); } if (ld[15] !== null && ld[16] !== null && prevCoord && (Math.abs( - ld[15]) > 0.1 || Math.abs(prevCoord.lng - ld[16]) > 0.1)) { arcs.push([[prevCoord, [ld[15], ld[16]]], "lightgray", true]); activeDest = L.latLng(ld[15], ld[16]); } for (const idx in tracks) { tracks[idx].remove(); } tracks = []; for (const idx in arcs) { const a = arcs[idx]; if (a[2]) { if (a[0][0][1] > a[0][1][1]) { const temp = a[0][0]; a[0][0] = a[0][1]; a[0][1] = temp; } p = L.Polyline.Arc(a[0][0], a[0][1], { color: a[1], noClip: true, vertices: 100 }); estTrack = p; } else { p = L.hotline(a[0], { palette: { 0: 'lightgray', 0.1: 'green', 0.5: 'yellow', 0.7: 'orange', 1: 'red' }, min: 0, max: 36000, outlineWidth: 0, weight: 4, noClip: true }); liveTrack = p; } p.addTo(liveMap); tracks.push(p); } if (prevCoordFull) { lastPos[hex] = prevCoordFull; } if (prevCoord) { if (e) { const i = e.sourceTarget; i.setLatLng(prevCoord); activeMarker = i; if (lastTrack) { document.getElementById("mi-" + hex).style.transform = "rotate(" + lastTrack + "deg)"; } if (!refreshs && !viewSet) { liveMap.setView(prevCoord, 8); } } else { if (!activeMarker) { var des = TypeDesignatorIcons[ld[22]]; if (!des) { des = DefaultIcon; } activeMarker = L.marker(prevCoord, { icon: L.icon({ iconUrl: svgPathToURI(des.path,des.size,false,true), iconSize: liveMap._zoom > 7 ? sizes[0] : sizes[1] }), rotationAngle: prevCoordFull[2], rotationOrigin: "center center", opacity: 0.8, title: hex }).addTo(liveMap); } else { activeMarker.setLatLng(prevCoord); } } if (e || hadNoHex) { // Only set refresh on first click or for live flight tracks (no hex given then) if (trackRefresh) { window.clearInterval(trackRefresh); } if (ld[17]) { trackRefresh = window.setInterval(function () { if (refreshsActive) { updateTrack(liveMap, url, hex, null); } }, 3000); } } } if (!refreshs && !viewSet) { liveMap.setView(prevCoord, 8); } if (sf === "") { domElements.get("liveMapContainer").style.display = 'block'; if (document.getElementById("mapSearch")) { document.getElementById("mapSearch").style.display = 'none'; } } activeHex = hex; updateInProg = false; recalcInProg = false; });} function buildLiveMap(liveMap,activeHex) { const osmUrl = '{z}/{x}/{y}.png'; const osmAttrib = '© OpenStreetMap'; const osm = new L.TileLayer(osmUrl, { attribution: osmAttrib }); liveMap.attributionControl.setPrefix(''); liveMap.addLayer(osm); updateMap(liveMap, false,activeHex); liveMap.on('zoomend', onZoomed); liveMap.on('moveend', onMoveend); } function buildTrackMap(liveMap, url) { const osmUrl = '{z}/{x}/{y}.png'; const osmAttrib = '© OpenStreetMap'; const osm = new L.TileLayer(osmUrl, { attribution: osmAttrib }); liveMap.attributionControl.setPrefix(''); liveMap.addLayer(osm); updateTrack(liveMap, url, "", null); } loadScript("/js/leaflet.js?20220413" ,function() { // set up the map map = new'map-flight',{sleep:false,minZoom:0, gestureHandling: false}); map.whenReady(() => map.gestureHandling?._handleMouseOver?.()); // create the tile layer with correct attribution map.fitBounds([[-22.48667,8.57056],[50.03333,17.4625]]); viewSet = true; dep=[50.03333,8.57056]; arr=[-22.48667,17.4625]; var osmUrl='{z}/{x}/{y}.png'; var osmAttrib='© OpenStreetMap'; var osm = new L.TileLayer(osmUrl, {attribution: osmAttrib}); map.attributionControl.setPrefix(''); map.addLayer(osm); if (dep[1]


D-AIKB Airbus A330-300


283 Sitze
30 Business28 Premium Economy225 Economy

Jan 2004
vor 20 Jahre
Flugzeug Informationen



So, Mo, Di, Mi, Do, Fr, Sa

8.120km 5.046mi

8.491km 5.277mi

10 hours 30 min

10 Flüge
2 Flüge/Woche verspätet
76% Pünktlichkeit

287 Sitze/Flug
12.359 Sitze/Woche



Premium Economy

Lufthansa LH4356 (OCN132) von Frankfurt nach Windhoek (2024)


How long does it take for Lufthansa to reply? ›

Please fill in all requested fields to help us get back to you as quickly as possible. You will receive a response within 2 weeks from receipt of your feedback. For general information on travel with Lufthansa prior to your departure please contact your​ ​local reservation center.

Does Lufthansa fly to Namibia? ›

Book your flights to Namibia right away!

Whether you're going to Namibia for your holidays or for a business meeting, a flight booked on always guarantees you a comfortable and safe journey from the USA to your desired destination. On board, you can sit back and relax completely.

Is Lufthansa a good airline to fly? ›

Lufthansa is a German carrier. Travellers rate it 7.3/10 on average, indicating good service.

Does Lufthansa Airlines require Covid test? ›

Evidence of full vaccination against Covid-19 or recovery from Covid-19 must be provided if required. The national authorities will decide whether there are exceptions to the required negative Covid-19 tests such as by a vaccination, for example.

How to get Lufthansa to respond? ›

To get a response from Lufthansa, you can contact their 24/7 customer service at 📞 +𝟏-(𝟖𝟔𝟔)-𝟔𝟔𝟔-𝟔𝟎𝟐𝟑 {For US} And ☎(+44)-808-175-7380 {For UK}. Their phone agents can provide real-time assistance in multiple languages.

How do I speak to someone at Lufthansa? ›

When contacting us via telephone, you can reach us at +1 (516) 738-4422, please be sure to include the following information: Text telephone for customers with hearing impairments: First dial 711 and then ​+1 (516) 738-4422 for relaying to the TRS (within the US only).

Can Americans travel to Namibia? ›

Namibia Entry Requirements

U.S. citizens must have a passport which is valid for at least six months after your return date. Passports must have at least six blank pages for entry into Namibia. U.S. passport holders do not need a visa prior to travel to enter Namibia.

Is Namibia close to Germany? ›

Munich (MUC) to Windhoek (WDH) flights

The fastest way to get from Germany to Namibia is to fly which takes 13h 21m and costs $650 - $900. How far is it from Germany to Namibia? The distance between Germany and Namibia is 7978 km.

Do I need a passport to fly to Namibia? ›

Visitors to Namibia must have a passport valid for at least 6 months beyond the intended stay, as well as sufficient pages for entry and exit stamps. In addition to the visa, each traveller must be in possession of a valid return air ticket.

What is the 24-hour rule for Lufthansa? ›

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟐𝟒-𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐋𝐮𝐟𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐚? 𝐋𝐮𝐟𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐚 𝐚𝐝𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟐𝟒-𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞, 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝟐𝟒 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐩𝐮𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞.

Where is the best place to sit on a Lufthansa flight? ›

On most aircraft, seats close to the bulkhead or in emergency exit rows are usually the best as they offer extra legroom. Row 27 might offer more legroom than other rows, so seats A and K would be the best options.

How comfortable are the economy seats on Lufthansa? ›

Whether it's a short flight or a long one – comfortable seating awaits you in Economy Class. There's plenty of room both on short and medium-haul flights. Thanks to the slim construction of the backrests, our seating provides more legroom so that you can stretch your legs out comfortably in Economy Class too.

Do you need to do a Covid test before flying? ›

To fly to certain countries, you'll need a Fit to Fly certificate to prove you don't have COVID-19.

Do I need a visa to transit with Lufthansa? ›

The vast majority of foreign travelers benefit from the “transit privilege” - if during a stopover at a German airport, you do not leave the International Airport Area and if the destination is not in a Schengen country, you do not need a transit visa.

What do I need to fly with Lufthansa? ›

  1. Entry requirements. ...
  2. Vaccination. ...
  3. Digital vaccination certificate. ...
  4. Save documents in the Lufthansa app. ...
  5. Information about Corona testing. ...
  6. Booking your Corona test. ...
  7. Corona-related travel documents. ...
  8. Digital document check.

How long is Lufthansa hold? ›

Lufthansa will allow customers to hold a reservation made directly with Lufthansa's telephone reservation center without payment for up to 24 hours, if the reservation was made seven days or more prior to the flight's departure.

How long does it take for Lufthansa to respond to claims? ›

Despite being one of the world's largest airlines, Lufthansa issues a statement fast once a compensation claim for a flight delay or cancellation is received. They process claims quickly and pay out compensation when it is due. It takes an average of 8 weeks for Lufthansa to process your reimbursem*nt (55 days).

How long does it take to hear back from airlines? ›

Depending upon the airline, it can take a few months before you are hired. You may first be interviewed as many as 3 times during the selection process. This can take a few weeks to complete.

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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.