Star War: edge of the empire (2024)

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joeyjojo Happy New Year! from South Sydney: go the bunnies! Since: Jan, 2001

Happy New Year!

#1: Oct 31st 2013 at 4:53:50 AM

Star War: edge of the empire

Participate in grim and gritty adventures on the fringes of the Star Wars universe with Star Wars: Edge of the Empire. Edge of the Empire is a complete standalone roleplay system that transports players to some of the shadiest locations in the Outer Rim, the underbelly of the Core Worlds, and everywhere else in-between!

Star Wars Edge Of The Empire is the latest in a long line of RP Gs systems to use the Star Wars license. So I figured now was a good time to have a thread on it : )

edited 5th Jan '14 2:43:33 AM by joeyjojo


Rosvo1 Since: Aug, 2009

#2: Oct 31st 2013 at 4:56:28 AM



Ghilz Perpetually Confused from Yeeted at Relativistic Velocities Since: Jan, 2001 Relationship Status: Barbecuing

Perpetually Confused

#3: Oct 31st 2013 at 5:08:51 AM

`I preferred Saga Edition. But this isn't bad.

joeyjojo Happy New Year! from South Sydney: go the bunnies! Since: Jan, 2001

Happy New Year!

#4: Oct 31st 2013 at 8:50:53 PM

What no love for west end games?

I must admit I'm so over Star Wars is not funny. But credit where credit is due fantasy flight know's how to present a product. I greatly appreciate the lengths they go to try to introduce the players to the rules.

Still the fence on the dice system. I like the idea of using symbols instead of numbers, and making difficulty skill checks and everything else a contested role against the GM roll rather then a static difficulty number. But I wish they used something a bit more generic then the strange unfamiliar glyphs of the Star Wars universe. ticks '✔' and crosses '✘' would work just as well.


Rationalinsanity from Halifax, Canada Since: Aug, 2010 Relationship Status: It's complicated

#5: Oct 31st 2013 at 10:01:50 PM

Saga Edition was way too easy to break, even if you weren't a powergamer.

I'm more pumped for the second game, based on the Galactic Civil War proper, to be honest though. I like the character building system though, but the item selection is downright pathetic.

Politics is the skilled use of blunt objects.

Rosvo1 Since: Aug, 2009

#6: Nov 1st 2013 at 12:49:42 AM

Do you have the Age of Rebellion beta?

edited 1st Nov '13 12:49:58 AM by Rosvo1

joeyjojo Happy New Year! from South Sydney: go the bunnies! Since: Jan, 2001

Happy New Year!

#7: Nov 1st 2013 at 8:20:21 AM

First I've heard of it TBH. Honestly I'm not sure I'm fond of fantasy flight 'New game with slightly systems different rules and character options' approach like they did with the Warhammer RP Gs after dark heresy. Not sure why.


Rationalinsanity from Halifax, Canada Since: Aug, 2010 Relationship Status: It's complicated

#8: Nov 1st 2013 at 10:45:10 AM

I like the approach, one basic system with several variants is easier to run than trying to shoehorn things into a system never meant to deal with them.

Politics is the skilled use of blunt objects.

joeyjojo Happy New Year! from South Sydney: go the bunnies! Since: Jan, 2001

Happy New Year!

#9: Nov 1st 2013 at 1:59:05 PM

I think is the name recognition thing. If Edge Of Empire is now one in a series of games it stops being the name for the franchise as a whole.

Much like how the original Star Wars is no longer Star Wars, but Star Wars IV: a new hope.


joeyjojo Happy New Year! from South Sydney: go the bunnies! Since: Jan, 2001

Happy New Year!

#10: Nov 6th 2013 at 2:39:47 AM

age of rebellion beta is on the shelfs. Anyone getting it?


Rosvo1 Since: Aug, 2009

#11: Nov 6th 2013 at 6:06:22 AM

Already have it, and I'm running a game of it.

joeyjojo Happy New Year! from South Sydney: go the bunnies! Since: Jan, 2001

Happy New Year!

#12: Nov 9th 2013 at 7:47:29 AM

Good? I was thinking of getting it but I can't bring myself to put money down on a product that I know will be superseded in a few months.


Rosvo1 Since: Aug, 2009

#13: Nov 9th 2013 at 9:49:02 AM

It's pretty good.

I especially like the extended vehicle section.

R.Bluefish My contributor's page from Amestris Since: Oct, 2013

My contributor's page

#14: Nov 10th 2013 at 11:50:53 AM

I'm on the fence about this game...I've heard good things about it, but needing to buy a separate set of dice just for this is kind of a turn-off. Are the special dice cumbersome at all to the game? I don't want to spend half my time checking a table to remember what each symbol means.

Beware the gazebo!

Rosvo1 Since: Aug, 2009

#15: Nov 10th 2013 at 12:10:38 PM

It's pretty intuitive.

I don't have any problems remembering the meanings.

Neither do my players, though it's been a while between games, so they forgot but they remembered it pretty well once I reminded them.

Rosvo1 Since: Aug, 2009

#16: Jul 3rd 2014 at 10:14:15 AM

Okay, I'm getting back on the Star Wars train.

We've actually got two game masters who are thinking of running a game.

I'm thinking of running Age of Rebellion and he's thinking of running Edge of the Empire.

And now I have a question about my RP.

Should I have a Jedi making an appearance?

edited 4th Jul '14 3:01:05 AM by Rosvo1

joeyjojo Happy New Year! from South Sydney: go the bunnies! Since: Jan, 2001

Happy New Year!

#17: Jul 3rd 2014 at 10:48:47 PM

Oh well aren't you spoiled for choice?

To answer your question I wouldn't have them in the game, they work better in the background as god like figures. Introduce in the game and they'll either be painfully OP or so heavy watered down they'll lose their appeal.


Rosvo1 Since: Aug, 2009

#18: Jul 4th 2014 at 3:03:02 AM

You're probably right.

I'm actually now thinking of running an Edge of the Empire game that features a heist that takes place on Bespin.

But how would I do that?

joeyjojo Happy New Year! from South Sydney: go the bunnies! Since: Jan, 2001

Happy New Year!

#19: Jul 4th 2014 at 5:28:39 AM

You're the GM, all you have to do is imagination it!Star War: edge of the empire (20)

Okay how's this?

Players are all seedy gangster sorts looking for a big score. News spreads around the underworld grape vine of a big job pay by infamous gangster billy the hunt. They all meet in a space in...

Billy The Hunt: okay boys, listen and listen good. The Empire is about to ship out this certain item they uncovered from Bespin and the R... E... B... E... L... L... I... O... N... would like to get their hands on it. It's not going to be a easy job but it's a good paying one.

So are you in or are you out?

during the heist they discover that the package is actually Luke's severed hand that the emperor palpatine want to use for evil

edited 4th Jul '14 5:29:20 AM by joeyjojo


Rosvo1 Since: Aug, 2009

#20: Jul 4th 2014 at 11:20:38 AM

I was more asking about the technical aspects.

Rosvo1 Since: Aug, 2009

#21: Jul 6th 2014 at 10:46:38 AM

Okay, I'm creating a Smuggler for the Edge game I might be in and I've run into a problem with Obligation.

Namely, I can't figure out what type of Obligation he should have.

joeyjojo Happy New Year! from South Sydney: go the bunnies! Since: Jan, 2001

Happy New Year!

#22: Jul 6th 2014 at 1:16:53 PM

Umm... I don't know what you are asking about with regards to technical aspects. Doesn't the rule book explain stuff about that? Just craft up a scenario a few skill checks and a few NPC guards for your trouble.

What did you need help with?

As for obligations... Family is always good one. Give him a cute little sick sister to deal with and justify his life of crime.


Rosvo1 Since: Aug, 2009

#23: Jul 6th 2014 at 2:19:18 PM

I got his backstory figured out, the problem is figuring out an Obligation that fits.

See, this guy was a Core Worlds freight captain who lost his wife and daughter in a pirate attack.

This drove him to escape his old life to the Outer Rim where he wanted to just live a quiet life.

2-3 years later, he gets a job offer to deliver some cargo to [INSERT PLANET HERE].

And bam, he's flying again.

AnSTH Lawful Evil Since: May, 2013 Relationship Status: Showing feelings of an almost human nature

Lawful Evil

#24: Jul 7th 2014 at 2:44:27 AM

I'd say it's easier to roll for/pick your Obligations first and build a backstory out of that. Still there's a good bit of leeway there for you.

How did your character get the ship? Big loan from some shady people who're looking to collect. Or maybe some old "friends" from your Smuggler's early days show up to demand favors in return for not throwing you to the wolves.

But that's a story for another time.

Rosvo1 Since: Aug, 2009

#25: Jul 7th 2014 at 8:12:12 AM

Yeah, I usually pick the Obligation first, but with this character I just had this flash of inspiration.

Hmm, I think I'll say that he got the ship he's currently flying as a favor.


Total posts: 41

Star War: edge of the empire (2024)


How good is Edge of the Empire? ›

The unique dice mechanics deliver exciting, cinematic results, the setting is instantly familiar, and player characters feel firmly grounded in the Star Wars universe while retaining the differentiation players crave. The few things about the game that didn't suit us were easily disregarded.

When did Star Wars: Edge of the Empire come out? ›

Publication history
2012Edge of the Empire Beta Playtest
Edge of the Empire Beginner Game
2013Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook
Age of Rebellion Beta
2014Age of Rebellion Beginner Game
9 more rows

What is the edge of the empire system? ›

Edge of the Empire is the first of three standalone, but fully cross-compatible roleplaying systems. Each introduces a unique dimension of the Star Wars play experience, but the core mechanics are fully interchangeable.

Is Edge of the Empire canon? ›

Sourcebooks from Edge of the Empire, Age of Rebellion, and Force and Destiny designated as "BOTH" shall apply to both the Canon and Legends continuities, in the same way that Wookieepedia treats the Star Wars original trilogy and prequel trilogy films and Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

What is the difference between Edge of the Empire and Age of Rebellion? ›

Edge of the Empire, the first of the three games, focuses on scum and villainy, the scoundrels scraping by on the fringes of the war. Age of Rebellion offers adventures for characters fighting in the galactic civil war with the Rebel Alliance.

Is the Empire actually good Star Wars? ›

The Empire was far from perfect. There were many flaws like they were ruled by a complete jerk, but the Empire helped many planets and the rebels were trying to undo all of that. The Rebels just continued the conflict and killed so many just because of an assumption that the Empire would take away their freedom.

What are hard points in edge of empire? ›

Hard Points (Hard P.)

Many items can be customized; the extent determined by the number of hard points they have. The vast majority of weapons have a limited number of Hard Points that determine what Weapon Attachments can be mounted on them.

How to make a character in Star Wars Edge of the Empire? ›

Recommended Generation Steps
  1. Determine Background.
  2. Determine Starting Obligations.
  3. Select Character Species.
  4. Select Character Career.
  5. Select Specializations.
  6. Invest Experience Points.
  7. Determine Derived Attributes.
  8. Determine Starting Motivations.

How does combat work in edge of the empire? ›

The character chooses to make an attack. They select what skill they will use to make the attack, and if the skill requires a weapon to use, which weapon they will be using. They then declare the target of their attack.

What does BBY mean in Star Wars? ›

Events before the Battle of Yavin are marked by BBY ("Before the Battle of Yavin"), and events that occur after are marked by ABY ("After the Battle of Yavin"). After the events of Episode IV: A New Hope, the Rebellion abandons the moon to seek sanctuary elsewhere.

Is Cal Kestis canon? ›

Yes, Cal Kestis canon in Star Wars.

Cal Kestis is revealed to have survived the event that doomed the galaxy, killed many Jedi, and sent some Jedi such as Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda into hiding. Obi-Wan himself made a brief cameo appearance in Jedi: Fallen Order via archive footage.

In what order should you play the Star Wars games? ›

Many of the oldest games will be found here, of course, and plenty of iconic ones at that.
  • STAR WARS: DARK FORCES. Platforms: DOS, macOS, PlayStation. ...
  • STAR WARS: JEDI ARENA. Platform: Atari 2600. ...
  • STAR WARS (1987) ...
  • STAR WARS (1991) ...

Which is better Galactic Republic or Empire? ›

Was The Empire more effective then The Republic? Yes, they were. The empire was more effective at ruling the galaxy. You are probably wondering as you read this how I can even think of something so ridiculous and absurd, the empire blew up planets!

Which is better Empire or First Order? ›

The First Order is a rump state using a fraction of the resources the Empire had at its height. Even if we postulate them as a rebellion and remove their assets from the Empire, the disparity in military power would be huge. Even their superior super weapon does them little good.

How many players is Edge of the Empire? ›

Star Wars Age of Rebellion Beginner GameStar Wars Edge of the Empire Beginner Game
Add to CartAdd to Cart
Type of GameRole-Playing GameRole-Playing Game
Number of Players2 to 8 Players3 to 5 Players
Average Playtime1 Hour1 Hour
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