The Capital Journal from Salem, Oregon (2024)

1 APRIL 29, 1930 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON PAGE FIFTEEN This Is An Era Of Steam, And Now The Only Big Ship Driven By Wind Is The Ship Of State. Capital Journal CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES: per word: One Insertion, 2 cents: three Insertions 5 cents; one week 8 cents; one month 25 cents; one year per month, 20 cents; minimum per ad 25 cents. Not taken over phone less advertiser has monthly account. No allowance for phone errors. Want ads must be in by, 10 a.m.

day of publiaction. Real Estate and Auto ads by 7 p.m. day previous to publication. FOR SALE -HOUSES 5 ROOM unfinished attic, full. basem*nt, pipe furnace, 5 good sized rooms.

Pavement paid, close to library, walking distance business district, $3750. LEAVING CITY Modern 5 rooms, oak floors, entry hall, nook and living roont, basem*nt, pipe furnace, fireplace, all modern, excellent location, $2900. NEW and MODERN 5 rooms, close to Market St. Take old house up to $2000 in deal. GEISER with ANDERSON RUPERT 169 S.

High St. A REAL BARGAIN Is offered in this 6-room home located close in on North Broadway street, Owner leaving and will sacrifice for quick sale. Modern plumbing, piastered. Price NOW 81800. ACT AT ONCE AND SEE THIS HOME AND INVESTMENT COMBINED.

$50 DOWN and easy monthly payments on the balance will buy this neat 5- room bungalow located East Salem and close to bus. Modern plumbing, extra large corner lot which will cut into two lots if desired. Both streets paved. Garage, east front, Price $2100. SEE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY.

825 DOWN and per month will buy this almost 825, NEW 4-room bungalow 10- cated close to Leslie junior high school. Paved street, double garage, large lot with attractive lawn and shrubbery, Price $2350. YOU WILL NOT WANT TO PAY RENT AFTER YOU SEE THIS NEAT AND ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW. SEE L. E.

Oberer WITH W. H. GRABENHORST cO. Realtors. Phone 515 134 South Liberty St.

TWO EXTRA GOOD BUYS 10 acres, 5-r. house, barn, acres peaches, cherries, Illberts and walnuts. All fenced, stream along side 32500. of Will place. All fenced: terms.

A Only snap for I give miles of Salem, Good road, mostly paved. 10 acres, 6-room house. Barn, poultry house, and garage. All in cultivation, good well, crop, oats and vetch. Also cherries, pears, grapes.

7 miles of Salem, 1 mile off of North Pacific highway. Price 83000. Will give terms. See SEARS TUCKER 184 S. Com'l.

Close in lot on N. High at a sacrifice. Owner. Call 3575, n107 A FEW BARGAINS $18.70 per month buys a 5-room house In good condition, Price $1700. cash buys a new cozy 4-room 805.38.

You will like this. Let me show you. $500 CASH, on a new modern 8-room house. It's a danay. Every convenjence.

Bal. easy. Price $4500. Home Seekers' Agency, Silverton. b104 store WANT ADS READ wanted See STEGNER, 275 State St.

825 DOWN, $25 per month buys a neat 4-room home. Nook, garage and on paved street. Phone 1570w. a10G TODAY'S BEST BUYS 4-room bungalow, basem*nt, furnace, garage, large lot, beautiful flowers and sarubs, street paved and paid. Price 82750; cash $100, bal.

830 per month. AND THIS. In Englewood district for 82850. 4 rooms, nook and large attic, cement basem*nt, garage, bearing fruit trees. Why pay rent? SEE Mrs.

Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS Realtors 320 State Street. Phone 1727. SPECIAL INDUCEMENT Large lot 70x150 feet, just off State street with several large bearing walnut trees and three sturdy oak trees. Creek oll back of lot, street paved and walks in, comfortable 6-room house.

Price only $2650 with $500 cash. bal. LEO $25 N. per CHILDS month and Reinterest. 320 State Street.

Phone 1727. WHERE ALL HOMES ARE NEW Neat 5-room cottage with shake sidIng. large dinette, plenty of built ins, best of plumbing, wired for electric range, hardwood floors in part, fireplace, full basem*nt, furnace, laundry trays, garage. Street paved and walks in. Yard graded.

A real buy for $3500. Part terms. LEO N. CHILDS Realtors 320 State Street. Phone 1727.

n' NICE LOT, Brey's Ave. Write Ferrell, 598 East Harrison St. Portland. SEE THESE HOUSES 5 large rooms, lot of built ins, all in good condition, lot 50x170. Garage, paved street, range and wood ed.

At 1760 Berry street. Price $2250. 6200 down payment. Big discount for more cash. 4 rooms, bath and nook, strictly moderti, garage.

Price $2500. Terms. SOCOLOFSKY SON 1st Nat'l. Bank Blog. NEW 5-room house and unfinished attic in one of the finest residence of Salem.

Garage, lawn, oak sections floor. tile drain board. A home you could be proud of. See Price and 170 N. Front St.

Phone 487. OPEN Sunday, 2 to 6, the Emma Murphy Brown 1920 model house at 951 N. 15th St. This home has been repossessed and is an opportunity for to get your dream home et a reyou markabie saving. Make an offer to Price and Co, 170 N.

Front St. Phone 487. HAVE 2 city lots to trade for small acreage near city, without buildings. Price and 170 N. Front St.

Phone 487. BEDROOM home on large lot and paved street. Tiffany walls, oak 170 floors 62400 on terms. Price and N. Front St.

Phone 487. GOOD modern seven room house in Portland, on pavement, gas furance, located at 4835 65th St. SE, Portland, for sale or will trade for Salem See Nelson at Ladd and Bush bank or in evening call 2656W. perty. POR SALE 8 fine east front building lots in the 600 block on N.

14th. Will sell at what we consider a very reasonable price in whole or single lots. Inquire at store, 254 N. Com'1. or At 595 N.

14th, where lots may Inspected. SALE OF TRADE $1250 equity in semimodern 7-room house. Will take acreAge or light car. 1775 N. Front.

8102 FOR SALE- -FARMS 119 ACRE farm. Good house and barn, located on Abiqua mile from miles school. from Call I Silverton. One THE JOYS OF COUNTRY LIVING acre tract not far out in good resIdential district, garage house, telephone electric light service available. Ground plowed and harrowed.

ready for planting. Price $1050 with $25 down and $15 per month. ANOTHER ONE of not far out on paved road, new 3-room. house, woodshed and garage, drove well, electric lights, plumbing roughed in. A Real Snap for $1275 with terms.

2 ACRES with no buildings, $800. ACRES for $1000. Down payment ent $25. bal. $10 per month and interest.

For Close in Acreage SEE LEO N. CHILDS Realtors 320 State Street. Phone 1727. FOR SALE- UNIVERSAL' wood range, other household furnishings. 1147 N.

Com'l. c104 SPRINGER Spaniel, male 4 mo. old. Pedigree shows best combination of bench and field trial blood. S.

Koontz, Albany. c102 LAWNMOWER, and dishes, 1325 Hines St. Emily Fanrich. c102 FOR SALE, trailer. I have a cattle trailer, never been used, will sell for $65 if sold soon.

H. P. Jensen, Turner, Ore. c104 2000 FEET 2-inch pipe; 2 elec. motors.

Capitol Second Hand Store, 263 Chemeketa. Phone 2813. FOR SALE, loose oats and vetch hay 813 ton at barn. Ph. Monitor 24-52.

Joseph Ortwerth, Woodburn, Ore. Rt. 2. c103 FOR SALE Berry trailer $20. Phone 76F3.

c103 WILD Mt. blackberry plants at 2c; gray oats at $1.65 per 100. Phone 44113. Rt. 9, box 68C.

c103 FORDSON and plow. Hamilton transmission, belt pulley, extension rims. Phone 19F21. c102 WOOD RANGE, also oil stove, 2490 Myrtle Ave. c102 WESTINGHOUSE electric automatic range.

Call at 290 Kingwood West Salem, after five. c106 FOR SALE used piano bargains. Lots of them, $35, $45, $65, $95, $125, $165. Terms, $5 down and $5 per month or will rent and apply rent on purchase price if you buy. Free delivery.

Your phonograph, radio or organ Tallman taken in exchange. Write or see Piano Store, 395 S. 12th St. Salem. 'The Home of the Baldwin." CHEAT hay seed, potatoes and grey oats.

Henry Roth, Central Howell. c102 FOR SALE-LIVESTOCK 80 ACRES sheep pasture for rent, G. P. Stephens, Marion, Ore, e107 FOR RENT: sheep pasture. Can accommodate head.

Apply 515 N. Summer, Phone 2845W. e104 FOR SALE, 16 high producing cows. J. H.

Engeman, Silverton, Ore. e104 5 YOUNG Jersey cows, 2 fresh, 3 fresh soon. 554 Ferry St. e104 2 MULES, 4 horses, 1 cow. 1710 Mission St.

e105 TEN months old registered Guernsey bull. Phone 81F23. e102 I HORSES and mules cheap. Mission A. N.

Bottom. Parsons, Salem, Rt. 8, in e104 HORSES Will arrive Sat. April 26 at D. Jackson's barn in Woodburn, with carload work horses, weighing 1200-1800 lbs.

from 3 to 12 years old. This stock has just finished spring work on eastern Oregon wheat ranch. Some well matched teams, bays and blacks, also some nice single chunks among them. Give free trial. Our guarantee with every horse, Come and see them.

H. Baumer, e104 TRADE in your beef cows for real dairy cows. Balance year to pay. Large number to select from. Nelson Bros.

Market. 185 N. High. Red Barn, North Com'l, and Columbia Sts. Ph.

705. DR. FRED W. LANGE, Veterinarian Office 529 S. Commercial.

Phone 1198 Residence phone 1666. e' ELROY NASH buys end sells dairy cows, beef cattle, hogs, etc. All stock guaranteed as represented. Phone 2864. Rt.

9, box 2CC. e121 FOR SALE WOOD GOOD dry fir wood, special price. Good measure. Come and see. 1110 Tile Road.

Phone 2748W. ce105 16-INCH old fir $7.50 cord. Phone 26F32. ee125 DRY 16-in. old fir; 6-Ac.

fir; ash and oak. Cord measure. C. V. Harbaugh, 838 Highland.

Ask me. Ph. 1990. ee117 WOOD SAWING. Phone 1819.

ee114 LOADS 16-in. mill wood for $10.50 at Tracy's Fuel Yd. Prompt delivery. Phone 2985. ee113 ORDER your wood now.

Best 16-Inch Inside slab wood mixed at Cobbs Mitchell $5.50 per cord from car. Phone 813, 349 S. 12th St. WOOD SAWING. Phone 1131.

ee108 FIRST class dry old fir slab, 16-in old fir mill block. Screened hog fuel. Prompt delivery. Phone 1542. Fred E.

Wells, 280 S. Church St. SHED DRY WOOD COAL. SALEM FUEL CO Phone 13 552 Trade St. FOR SALE -POULTRY IRIS now blooming, make your selections in the next two weeks at Plank's Nursery and Floral gardens, 100 varietics to seiect from.

Ph. 51F23. 1 1104 7 BLACK Giant hens and rooster at 1011 Oak St. Phone 281W. 1101 CUSTOM hatching, settings every Sat.

and Tues. 3c per egg. Baby chicks, 13 varieties, Phone 133F2. Lee's Hatch- cry. BABY CHIX, 1000 Reds and Rocks, hatch Monday.

From best local stock. This is a cancelled order and you can buy them for less. 2160 North 5th St. Phone 2766. 1105 ROOSTERS, 5 weeks old, Ruby L.

Woodward, Rt. 9, box 69B. Phone 44P31. 1102 AFTER April 10 1 will make a special price on my high grade White Leghorn chicks. 12c in any quantity.

Order now. Custom hatching 3c; turkey eggs 5c. Ruby L. Woodward, Rt. 9.

box 69B. Phone 44F31. FOR SALE -FARMS HELP WANTED HAWAIIAN entertainers to travel, apply 355 Bligh hotel, g104 OPPORTUNITY for single man with light car free to travel, to join rural sales force of large national organization. Permanent with good immedinte earnings, and advancement to hard worker. See A.

P. Clauss, 1133 Chemeketa. 7 to 8 p.m. 8:103 WANTED white fir wood cutters, $2.50 cord. Good timber and ground.

B. E. Christenson, 637 S. 6th St. Corvallis, Ore.

g102 WANTED: 50 strawberry pickers by May 25 to register. mile north and mile east of Sublimity, Ore. Route box 102. F. J.

Lahr. 8106 CARPENTER, Painter, plasterer and common labor wanted as payment for lots. Some cash will be paid. Balance in lots. Phone Brown at 487 or 2173J.

SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED position as housekeeper. 0. box 335 Salem. h103 UNINCUMBERED elderly gentleman wishes employment as caretaker for home and small wages. Inquire at 395 N.

14th St. James Black. h102 YOUNG LADY wishes practical ing or domesic work in motherless I home. Box 38 Capital Journal. h105 EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, Reference, Ph.

1788-J3 or br. 40 Capital J. h103 WOMAN with three children would like to share home on ranch with widow or bachelor. Home Instead of wages, Box 41 Journal, 1104 WANTED one thousand ewes on shares. Own 4 thousand acres, year around pasture, abundant running water, experienced herdsman, H.

C. Ross, Deer Island, Ore. 1104 WANTED weaning pigs, state price, where located, George Sherman, Rt. 2. Turner, Ore.

WANTED, good cattle ranch, adjoining free range, improved. Have cash buyer. EVANS STEGNER'S 275 State St. Phone 1961. FOR RENT WILL strictly modern furnished four room apartment for June, July, A August.

Telephone 2126W. 1103 TWO rooms and kitchenette upstairs apartment. Adults. Phone 2589J; 845 S. Winter St.

1107 FURNISHED rooms, close in. 444 N. Winter. 3107 FURN. Apts.

Phone 2910R. 1128 STRICTLY modern 6-room house $25. 1935 North 5th. 1104 NICE 1 room and kitchenette $16.50. 658 Center.

FURNISHED apt, electric range, rage, adults, $25. 710 N. High. 1102 FOR RENT, furnished house, 7 r. basem*nt, furnace, garage, $30.

See Bechtel or Thomason, 341 State Room 4. FOR RENT- Houses- -Houses 2407 State St. 6 rooms $10 2271 Lee St. 4 rooms $12 1562 Franklyn St. 4 rooms $13.50 South Liberty St.

4 rooms $18 875 N. 16th. 5 rooms, fruit $15 House, 6 rooms, S. Salem $20 385 Columbia St. mod.

4 rooms 824 Mod. close in, 6 r. house $35 Mod. close in 8 house $45 For Best Rentals in Houses See BECHTEL or THOMASON 341 State St. Room 4 119 ACRE farm, good house and barn.

Located Abiqua, 4 miles from Silverton, 1 mile from school. Call Home Seekers' Agency, Silverton. 1102 FOR RENT: A well located 4-room cottage with annex and garage. Some fruit. The house is all clean and nice.

Well water, but is not modern. Rent is only $10. Just a few steps to bus line at Salem Heights. See H. G.

WIGGINS, Salem Heights Purity Store. 4 ROOM bungalow, furnished. Basem*nt, garage, 2054 Church St. Also unfurnished 5-room house. Inquire 12011 Maple Ave.

1103 NICELY furnished rooms, with board. 405 Marion St. j103 ATTRACTIVE 3 or 4 room furnished apartment, 1209 Court St. j106 FURNISHED 2 and 3 room heated apts. 444 S.

High. CLOSE IN sleeping rooms, 444 South High. NICELY furnished first floor apartments. 590 Union. 3106 5-ROOM bungalow, fireplace, furnace, fully furnished to responsible party.

Phone 1366M. Close to State capitol. 3103 MODERN 3-room house, Partly furnished. Close In. Phone 657.

6-ROOM house, fine garden spot, some fruit. Phone 2560R. Miller. 1103 RENTALS Furnished 4-room house, modern, furnace, fireplace, electric range, newly decorated and clean, $35. Furnished garage house with bath $10.

4-room house, nice location, $12. 4 room modern house, furnace, fireplace, garage, $25. For Rentals see STEGNER 275 State St. GARAGE, 359 N. Liberty.

Tel. 1700. 5 ROOM house, garage, 1854 State. Call at 2183 State. 1102 LARGE modern sleeping room, 737 Center street, 1102 FOR RENT Modern Summer Street home of 6 rooms.

Lease for $45 per month. LEO N. CHILDS Realtors 320 State Street. Phone 1727. FURNISHED apts.

Heat, light, garage: Summer rates. 1040 Leslie. j105 ATTRACTIVE furnished apartment, two adults. 475 North Capitol. 1124 LOVELY furnished bungalow in Edgewater Court, laundry, garage, fuel $32.

Phone 265. 1103 LOVELY large apt. Hdw. floors, hot water heat, elc, elec. stove, garage $35.

Phone 265. 1103 3 ROOM A apartment, refrigeration, electric range. 607 N. Capitol. 1103 FURNISHED apartments, apartments.

Phone 1825J. 3104 3 ROOM bungalow, 1248 Chemeketa St. J110 APT. 664 S. Com'1.

Phone 2173J. FURNISHED Apartment, 425 North Church. 1103 TWO room well furnished apartment near Statehouse, plenty of hot water. Modern, adults. 1064 Oak St.

1102 TWO room well furnished apartment. close in, 541 MIll St. Light, water, phone. Adults, 615. 1102 FURNISHED house $11.

398 Rural. 3102 ROOM and BOARD reasonable at 430 North Summer St. 1102 NORTH front apts. Phone 2346W. Fisher Apts.

1103' STATE APARTMENTS, 1320 State St. Desirable furnished, 3-room corner refrigeration, apartment, nicely electric Ideal for summer. Concrete building. near statehouse. Adults.

$35 and $40. Phone 2911 or 2818J. j105 2 ROOM furnished ept. Electric range, garage, adults only. 540 Leslie.

Telephone 1870R. J104 MODERN rooms, board If desired. Two blocks from capitol. Phone 3667J. 1113 HENDERSON furnished apts.

Phone 1005. 1108 MODERN house, apta, rooms. Phone 2056J. 1100 TWO rooms. kitchenette.

bath, furnished $15. The Pasadena, West Salem. J114 ONE room apartment, 89 month, Includes garage, wood, light, water. Kingwood Apartments, West Salem. 1114 UNIQUE drugstore location in rew concrete bldg.

main busy corner, on main highway. No drug store in town. Phone 265. 1115 FOR RENT. down stairs furnished apartment.

Close in. Phone 1834J. PATTON apartments are nicely furnished, down town district, for inspection call Patton's Book Store. FOR RENT. Sleeping rooms tor tlemen, 205 Oregon Bldg.

PIANOS. PhonogrAphs and sewing machines for rent. H. L. Stift Purniture Co.

THREE garages, for rent, down town section 1914J LOST AND FOUND LOST, keytainer and keys. Reward. Leave at Journal office. MISCELLANEOUS J. A.

SNEED, well driller, 915 N. 18th. Phone 2464J. m105 83 PER month will rent your favorite sewing machine from the White SewIng Machine Co. Phone 208.

We deliver free. In 100 PAINT PAINT PAINT Now is painting time. We RTO the painters, Best references 2031W. furnished. R.

J. REASOR, m102 INVALIDS cared for. Convalescent land rest home. Ashland Ore, m190 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CHEAP: block, across street from Reid Murdoch cannery, trackage, paved, ideal for court cottages for cannery employes. Owner, call' 3575.

n107 TALK ABOUT SIGHTLY HOMES Come and see the nice home; six rooms, full basem*nt. All modern except furnace, has electric water system. One acre of land, set to right kind of fruit. Overlooks the city, the valley and the mountains. It's a Real Bargain at $4500.

Part terms can be made. I also have a new modern home, never been occupied. Good sized lot. Price $3750. Part terms.

3 acres, small house, 20 bearing cherry trees, Royal Anns; acres grafted to Royal Ann, Can be sold for $1510 and $300 will handle it. acres, 3 miles out. House, barn and chicken house, lot of fruit. $1600 and part terms. It's a good buy.

FOR RENT: 4-room house at 2156 S. Summer street. Has lights and water. 3 big lots, some fruit, $12.50 per mo. G.

WIGGINS, care Salem Heights Purity Store. BEST BUYS in ACREAGE TRACTS $650. Beautiful a. paving. Bus line.

84500. Highly improved nearly 5 acres. $1350. a. 4-r.

house, 8100 down. $4800. Mod. suburban home lights water, paved road. basem*nt, furnace, Fruit.

A real home that's well worth $5500 or more. 10 Acres. 5 a. cherries, 5 a. apples.

A real buy for $2500. Terms. 18 A. all cultivated land, $1500. 30 A.

good soil, old paved road. Only 8 miles of Salem. 33900. For the best buys in large or small farms see Bechtel or Thomason. 341 State St.

Room 4. n' A DANDY GOOD RANCH All stocked, equipped and house furnished. 20 acres, extra good soil, modern farm house. Electric lights and pumping system. Bath, hot and cold water, 18 a.

cultivation, 6 a. bearing strawberries. 1 a. gooseberries, 1 a. filberts, 2 a.

peaches, a. walnuts. Family orchard, stock and equipments and household goods, all go with place. House is nicely furnished. All for $9500; 85000 down.

balance easy. See SEARS TUCKER 184 S. Com'l. n' TEN acre tract miles cast asylum. Well improved, family orchard, good set buildings, telephone, electricity, Sell or exchange for 5-room modern dwelling.

Call at 570 N. Liberty St. Front room, 2nd floor. n104 EXCHANGE Lovely 6-room modern house on Fairmount avenue, for acreage with good buildings up to $6000. 12 acres with good 6-room home near school and splendid neighborhood for five room modern bungalow, in good location.

10 acres with fair bulldings. Well 10- cated three miles east of city. Good home in Salem. 44 acre dairy ranch fully equipped. 11 cows and heifers, two horses, feed grinder, wood saw, cream separator and all farm tools, 100 cherry trees, living trout brook, paved road, 8-rm.

house with hot and cold water. Good barn, 25 acres seeded, 37 acres in cultivation, three miles from city limits. Price $15,000 complete. Want 15 acres well improved as part payment, W. A.

LISTON E. E. ROBERTS Masonic Building. Phone 1321-1092-284R for appointment. LEASE.

This 160 acre stock ranch with stock and equipment. 20 acres in crop. Well watered and good pasture. Stock for sale. Price of stock and lease, $1200.

City have property two good to trade six for room acreage. houses We to trade for two good small farms near Salem. Will assume. A. V.

WHITE with J. F. ULRICH CO. 325 State St. Phone 1354 Modern and strictly up-to-date, this fine 7-room house, fine large lot, fruit trees, close in.

Price $5000. 5 acre tract with new modern house, close to Salem, all improvements strictly modern. Price $6700. Trades are always available at our office. J.

F. ULRICH Co. Realtors. 325 State St. Phone 1354.

HAVE client with two Salem homes and 5 A. suburban home to exchange for equipped dairy ranch. 5 ROOM bungalow, garage, fruit, large lot, for filling station. 200 A. irrigated ranch on Illinois er in S.

to exchange for acreage near Salem. 190 A. farm near highway north of Salem for income property. Tillamook dairy ranch of 160 A. all equipped, for acreage.

PERRINE MARSTERS, 212 Gray Bldg. GOOD 3-room furnished beach cottage at Cutler City for only $300. SPLENDID 5-acre tract with small new improvements. 6 miles north for only $1850. A SPLENDID 40-acre farm with good improvements and lots of fruit for only $7500 and can use clear house up to $5000.

A SPLENDID 100-acre farm with good improvements worth $10,000, and can use Salem home. WE HAVE a good 5-room house to rent for $20. McGILCHRIST PENNINGTON 209-10 U. S. Bank Bldg.

Phone 140. POR SALE: Two good lots and four room house. only $900, same as rent. 5 ACRES foreclosed on. Will sell cheap.

Some rood ranches for sale or trade. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. 202 U. S. Bank.

Salem. EXCHANGE-Real Estate EXCHANGE Portland Salem houses rented. for around 100 acres, within 15 miles Salem. Dark soll. Not over $10,000 clear for clear.

710 N. High. nn102 EAST front lot. north Salem, to trade for closed car. Phone 1582W.


30 whent and outs. ALL SEEDED TO CLOVER. 6 room house, large barn, East frontAge. $10.000. mortange $3200.

Int. due 1932. terms $2000 cash, balance good terms at Owner will take Salem residence for part. 114 ACRE FARM, 75 reres timber. cultivated.

balance pasture and running water in pasture. 5-room house, large barn. buildines old, mile to school. 17 cows. TEAM and FARM TOOLS INCLUDED with farm at EXTREMELY LOW price of $8500: mortgage $2500.

Owner will exchange for Salem propete tv. FOR GOOD OFFERINGS In Salem homes, suburban improved acreage end dairy forms for sale and exchange. See WELLS TALLMAN, 411 Oregon Buildine, 235 8. Com'1. St.

Phone 362. AUTOMOBILES MARION GARAGE UO. USED CARS 1928 Studebaker coupe. ed and sold under Studebaker pledge 8750 1927 Studebaker Dictator Sedan with trunk. 2 new tires, guaranteed and sold under Studebaker p'edge 750 1925 Willys-Knight 2-door cedan A good buy.

Lots of unused service 200 1925 Studebaker conch" in good running condition. good tires battery, sold under Studebaker pledge. Studebaker pledge gives 5 days driving time or your money back to be used on any other car. tised or new. MARION GARAGE CO.

AUTOMOBILES VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY BUY WITH SAFETY USED FORDS COUPES Standard $475 Model A Business 450 Model A Sport 395 1926 Model 195 1925 Model new paint 135 1925 Model paint 100 1924 Model new paint 95 1923 Model T' 65 1921 Model 45 Model A Standard, like new. wheel on side 450 Model A Standard 395 1927 Model 135 1926 Model 100 1924 overhauled 75 1924 Model 50 TOURINGS 1926 Model 125 1926 Model 95 1924 Model T. Ruxtell axle 75 1924 Model 50 1923 Model 35 Several more tourings with license for $25 that will run. TRUCKS Model AA Rowe frame ext. 500 1927 Chevrolet, cab and body 325 1924 Model TT.

Muncie trans. 125 1924 Model Tr 100 1923 Model TI 95 PICKUPS Model A closed. New tires, reconditioned 475 1926 steel box 150 1924 Model 75 1923 Model T. 50 1920 Model T. Wood box 35 DELIVERIES 1927 Chevrolet, closed panel 265 1926 Model closed panel 175 1926 Roadster, closed body 125 1924 Closed panel 75 1924 Open delivery 75 TERMS--TRADES SEE VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY Authorized Ford Dealer Center at Liberty, Salem, Ore.

McKAY'S FOR USED CARS WITH AN K. THAT COUNTS SEDANS 1930 Chevrolet Six Club sedan $700 This is a courtesy car with only 4000 miles. Just nicely broken in. 1928 Chevrolet landau 475 1926 Overland 245 1925 Star 235 COACHES 1929 Chevrolet Six 575 1928 Chevrolet 450 1927 265 1926 Ford 225 1927 Buick 595 SPORT COUPES 1930 Chevrolet Six 750 1929 Chevrolet Six Conv. cabriolet 685 Nash conv.

cabriolet 625 1928 Ford 445 COUPES I 1929 Chevrolet Six 565 1928 Chevrolet 425 1927 Chevrolet 335 1926 Ford 225 TRUCKS 1929 Chevrolet 32x6 tires In rear, overload springs, a nice body. Completely reconditioned and guaranteed 585 1929 Ford 550 1928 Chevrolet 450 1929 Chevrolet six sedan delivery 565 DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. THREE LOCATIONS 430 N. Commercial St. Phone 1802.

530 Chemeketa St. Phone 1425. Lot next to City Hall on High St. SELECT YOUR CAR FROM THIS LIST 1928 Buick Standard coupe $775 1928 Buick Stan. Spt.

roadster 875 1927 Buick standard coach 715 1925 Buick Standard sedan 415 1924 Buick 4 touring 100 1925 Buick Master. Enc, touring 300 1924 Buick Master touring 145 CHRYSLERS 1926 Chrysler 58 sedan, new tires 395, 1926Chrysler 58 coupe 395 CHEVROLETS 1927 Chevrolet panel delivery 265 1925 Chevrolet coupe 150 1925 Chevrolet touring 125 1925 Chevrolet sedan 90 DODGES 1926 sedan 275 riv-1924 Dodge coupe 185 75 1923 touring 1921 Dodge touring 85 ESSEX 1929 Essex- sport coupe 650 1928 Essex coupe 550 1925 Essex touring 95 FORDS 1929 1929 Ford Ford A A sport standard roadster- coupe 475 515 1928 Ford A standard coupe 435 1928 Ford A roadster 395 1927 Ford coupe 215 1926 Ford coupe, Ruxtell 215 1926 Ford conch, Ruxtell 175 1926 Ford roadster, Ruxtell 135 1925 Pord coupe, '27 motor 125 1925 Ford coupe 100 1924 Ford coupe 95 1926 Ford touring 115 1925 Ford touring 75 1922 Ford coupe 45 1927 Ford 4-door sedan 285 1926 Hudson coach 350 1924 Hudson coupe 150 1923 Hup touring 95 1924 Jewett coupe 190 1924 Oldsmobile sedan 150 1927 Oakland spt. roadster 575 1925 Oakland touring 175 1923 Oakland touring 90 1925 Overland conch 100 1925 Overland coupe 100 1924 Overland touring 75 1928 Pontiac landau sedan 575 1928 Pontiac coach, new tires 550 1926 Studebaker light 6 coach 395 924 Studebaker light 6 enc. tour. 150 1924 Studebaker spe.

enc. tour 150 1927 Star 4 roadster 225 1933 Studebaker special touring 30 1924 Star 4 touring 75 1925 Star touring 125 1924 Star 4 touring 30 USED CAR CENTER Consolidated by VALLEY MOTOR CO. OTTO J. WILSON, BUICK CARS. Marion and Liberty.

Open Evenings. and Sundays. Phone 1027. q' FIVE DAYS FREE TRIAL THIRTY DAYS GUARANTEE 1929 Essex Challenger sedan. Reconditioned stem to stern and new guarantee.

1929 Essex Coupe, original finish inside and out. Exceptionally good. New car service and guarantee. 1929 Essex Challenger coach. Can hardly be told from new.

1927 Chrysler 60, 2-door sedan. conditioned, paint and inside finish exceptionally good. Mechanically perfect. 1927 Chevrolet conch, new rubber. finish inside and out 1925 Willys-Knight 4-dr.

sedan. An extra good buy. 1925 Hudson sedan. 1926 Hudson 7-passenger 1926 Hupmobile 5-passenger sedan. 1927 Hudson coach 1927 Easex conch 1926 Hudson coach 1926 Kasex conch 1928 Pord roadster 1926 Chevrolet touring 1926 Ford touring 1924 Ford pickup It will pay you to see our stock and compare prices before 'buying elsewhere, Trades and your own terms within reason.

Open evenings and Sundays, STATE MOTORS, High Chemeketa Sta. Phone 1000. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE '24 Star Touring 50 '37 Dodge Coupe 385 '26 Ford Overland Sedan Sedan 235. 185 Chev. Cabriolet 325 Nash Sedan 550 '28 Oakland Coach 035 EIKER AUTO CO.

Cor. Liberty and Perry Sta FINANCIAL LOANS WE HAVE THE MONEY To refinance your present home or farm loan; also to assist you to buy, low build or improve. Long terms, rates. Pay off any time. See us first.

DELANO ELLIS 290 N. Church St. Phone 2830. WHERE TO BORROW MONEY: On Automobiles, Furniture, Livestock. Personal effects, and other good securities.

National Loan Finance Co. Licensed by State); 410 Bank of Commerce. Salem, Ore. AUTOMOBILES, WE ADVANCE MONEY TO SALARIED PEOPLE Loans on personal notes, endorsed notes, furniture, pianos and other personal property. Repay in monthly installments.

Prompt and courteous service. All transactions strictly confidential. STATE LOAN COMPANY 212 Oregon 2nd floor. Corner State and High Office hours 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Tel. 932. Licensed by State. PERSONAL LOANS on salarles, furniture, cars, endorsed notes, repayable 1-20 months. safely from Salem's own and largest finance company.

Quick and honest service. Licensed by state. GENERAL FINANCE CORP. 2nd 1200. floor Office 1st hours Nat'l.

8:30 Bank to 6 p.m. Phone r' PARM LOANS small expense. F. L. Wood, 341 State St.

WE HAVE plenty of money to farm and city property. Low interest rates. Millers Hudkins Store Mortgage bldg. Phone Investment 2219. Co.

r' HAWKINS ROBERTS, for city and farm loans. and costa lowest available. Prompt service, 208 Oregon Building. FEDERAL FARM LOANS F. Wilkinson.

U. S. Bank bldg. AN INSTALLMENT LOAN. Is Easy to Pepay.

wny cot let us explain its advantages over a straight loan? ANDERSON RUPERT 169 South High Correspondents Equitable Savings Loan Ass'n. MONEY to loan on real estate. vate money, lowest rates. T. K.

Ford. First National Bank BORROW money on your personal property. Pay back in monthly installments. WILLAMETTE LOAN COMPANY Licensed by State. 505 Bank of Commerce Bldg.

LOAN.3 ON AUTOMOBILES Contracts Refinanced Payments Reduced You Keep Your Automobile We pay balance due dealer, bank or finance company, and reduce your payments. Additional money loaned. Strictly confidential. We handle our own paper. EIKER AUTO CO.

Co.der Liberty and Ferry Sta. Phone 121 Salem. Ore. LOANS on WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS Anderson Rupert. 169 8 High.

DIRECTORY AUCTIONEERS P. N. WOODRY, 12 and years Salem's leading Auctioneer furniture dealer. Cash paid for used furniture. Phone Res.

and store 1610 N. Summer. 511. tablished 1916. BLACKSMITHING BLACKSMITHING HORSESHOEING Wm.

Ivie's, 253 Chemeketa blacksmithing and repair work, all kinds. Wm. Benson, first class, horseshoeing. Orders taken for country work. 2512R.

BICYCLES LLOYD E. RAMSDEN, bike accessories and bicycles. 387 Court street. BATHS TURKISH baths and massa zeg. S.

H. Logan. Phone 2214. New bank. 0103 CHIMNEY SWEEPS CHIMNEY sweep, Phone R.

E. Northness, 110. 0112 CHIROPRACTORS DR. 0. L.

SCOTT, chiropractor. and 256 N. High street. Phones 2104J. DR.

H. B. SCOFIELD, X-ray. Phone 2194. 414 Pirat Nat'l.

Bank bldg. BATTERY SUPPLIES R. D. BARTON, National Batteries, starter generator work. Ferry and High streets.

CABINET WORK JACOB WEIZEL. Cabinet work and refinishing. Furniture repairing. Ph. 1591.

239 Court street. Salem. CONTRACTORS A. J. ANDERSON, general contreator.

Estimates and plans free. Ph. 657. 0' J. A KAPPHAHN, General team and power contractor, excavating and grading.

Office phone 1299. Res. 124P11. ENGRAVING SALEM ENGRAVING CO. Cuts of all purposes.

Tel. 343. 180 N. Commercial street. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES BILL POWERS battery, auto electric service 219 State St.

Phone 937. HALIK ELECTRIC CO. 461 N. Front St. Electric contracting and repatring.

Appliances and Fixtures. Phone 2. EOPP ELECTRIC 337 Court 8t We do house wiring and carry a compiete repairing, stock of experimental fixtures, work. Instrument trie appliances repaired. Phone 488.

PLEENER ELECTRIC Electric lighting fixtures and electric ranges Phone 980. 471 Court street. FLORIST CUT flowers and floral pieces. Delivery. C.

F. Brelthaupt, florist, 512 State street. Phone 380. MERCHANT TAILOR M. A.

ESTES, fine tailoring, 125 North Liberty street. INSURANCE CHAS. SPURLIN Real Estate and Insurance, 175 High 8t. Phone 534. PAINTING, PAPERHANGING First class work.

Prices reasonable. Phone 2938W. L. E. Durkee.

0107 MATTRESSES RENOVATED MATTRESSES renovated. we, renovate all kinda of mattresses, called and delivered. Best of work guaranteed. Capital City Bedding Co. Portland road.

Phone 19. PLUMBING PLUMBING and general repair work. Phone 550. Graber Bros. 154 South Liberty street, THEO.

M. BARK, Plumbing, heating. sheet metal works. 164 8. Commercial street.

PRINTINU Temple basem*nt. PHONCO 1512. HOWLAND PRINTING Masonic DIRECTORY PIANO TUNER GEO. C. WILL, pianos, phonographs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies, Repairing phonographs and sewing machines.

432 State St Salem, Oregon. STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES FOR SALE REBUILT and repaired by expert. All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain. Hop baskets and hooks, logan hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 262 Chemeketa St.


Reliable service. Phone office 184: res. 893J. SALEM GARBAGE CO. for prompt and continues service.

Charles 8008 and Carl 500s. Phone: 184 or 898J. CITY GARBAGE CO. Prompt service Phone 2290. TRANSFER AND STORAGE CUMMINS RANSOM, local and long distance hauling.

Phone 2462. Res 12972. WATER COMPANY OREGON-WASHINGTON Water Service Company. Offices corner cumme*rcial and Trade streets. Bills able monthly.

Phones 3-4. WATCH REPAIRING GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIRING or money back. The Jewel Box. 173 N. Liberty.

Salem. LEGALS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received by the City Recorder, Salem, Oregon until 7:30 p.m. o'clock, May 5, 1930, for construction of a fire engine house for the South Salem Fire Station. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the office of the City Recorder, City Hall, Salem, Oregon. Each bidder will be required to file with his bid a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the bid as a guarantee of good faith.

The Counell reserves the right to accept any bid or to reject all bids in the interest of the city. M. POULSEN, City Recorder, NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned, by an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, duly made and entered on the 28th day of April, 1930, W83 appointed Administrator with Will Annexed of the Estate of Alta M. Dean, deceased, and has duly qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as required by law and with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned Administrator with Will Annexed at Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, said first publication being made the 29th day of April, 1930.

The UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF SALEM, OREGON. By K. E. Wenger, Trust Officer. Administrator with Will Annexed of the Estate of Alta M.

Dean, deceased. DONALD A. YOUNG, Attorney for said Estate. First publication 4-29-30. Last publication 5-27-30.

April 29; May 6, 13, 20, 27 GUARDS OPEN FIRE ON OHIO CONVICTS (Continued from page 1) "we'll play ball," he reported. It was believed that Haubrich's entry into the prison marked the end of the morning's violence. Governor Myers. Y. Cooper issued a statement the trouble was in progress, saying that "order must be restored" and explaining that "the civil of the warden has been reinforced with such use of the national guard as necessary." "The governor feels that sufficient consideration has been given for the extraordinary conditions resulting from the fire and loss of life and the time has now come when the routine of institution regulate established," the governor's statement said.

All morning there had been unrest and an ugly spirit in the prison. During the night city firemen had come into the prison and prepared to train their fire hoses on the convicts in event of trouble. Caicials also had recognized the increasingly irritated situation by preparing to declare martial law in case of further trouble, and this eventually was done. Tuesday morning guards and troops were proceeding with the work of segregating prisoners, isolating the agitators. Presence of the firemen was bound to have set off a demonstration while the work of segregation was proceeding.

A few windows were said to have been broken by the demonstrators. Guards lined at the partition between the cells and guard rooms, according to information coming out of the prison, answered the demonstrations with a volley from sawedoff shotguns. Convicts fle dfor cover shouting "butchers" while the guards stood with coco guns ready to fire again, "Look at the dead men in here," came the cries from the convicts. "If you don't tear this place down we will." Fire apparatus and then stretcher-bearers were moved into the prison enclosure while troops and guards kept the prisoners covered. At 11 a.m.

the situation had quieted sufficiently to permit Col. Haubrich to enter and notify the convicts that he was in charge under the declaration of martial law. Governor Cooper announced Col. Haubrich had taken over complete control of prison, subject to orders from the warden. The soldiers, however, he said, have authority to take any action they deem necessary in the absence of the warden's orders.

The outbreak was described by three newspapermen who were standing in the guard room when the first volley was fire J. They said six penitentiary guards and three national guardsmen were lined against the west wall of the guard room. Their guns were pointing towards the cell block. Convicts had forced them from the east side of the roont which 1s separated from the cell block by bars covered with wood and beaverboard. Convicts inside were storming the partition, part of which collapsed and small objects, bolts and nails were being thrown through the aperture.

As the deluge of missiles inI I I I I I creased, A larger object crashed BIRTHS, DEATHS MARRIAGES Stillman- the DEATHS residence, 805 8. Liberty street, April 28, John Stillman, 85. Survived by widow, Mrs. Matilda Stillman. Puneral services by the lodge, B.

E. from the at 3 Terwilliger o'clock. Funeral Home Wednesday, Interment Cityview cemetery. Short- the residence on 12th street, Mother of April 26, Mrs. Luettia Short, 77.

H. of Seto; W. H. of Olympia, Roy of Pratum; E. M.

of Junction City; Garfield of Portland; Mrs. L. V. Eoff of Portland and Mrs. C.

C. Steele of Ashland. Funeral services Tuesday afternoon at 3:15 o'clock from the Clough-Taylor chapel. Rev. W.

Earl Cochran officiating, Interment Cityview cemetery. BIRTHS Link, Link To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Le 1550 Frickey street, a daughter, Marilyn, April 26. Milligan- To Mr.

and Mrs. Oscar Milligan, Route 8, Salem, a daughter, Betty Lou, April 20. Schaeffer- To Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gordon Schaeffer, 950 Broadway, daughter, Donna Caroline, April 24.

Varbel-To Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Varbel.

Rt. box 123, Salem, a 8011, April 28. TERESA ARNOLD LEAVES ESTATE TO POPE, CHURCH Bequest of a $500 gift to the pope at Rome is included in the will of Teresa Arnold, 83, who died in Salem recently. The bulk of the estate, however, is left to St. Joseph's Catholic church in Salem as the foundation of a fund for the erection of a new chucrh building with provision that the building contain a glass memorial window bearing the inscription of the donor's name.

Rev. J. R. Buck of St. Joseph's church is named executor under the will and also made a beneficiary of $1000.

She also bequeathed $200 for masses and $100 for prayers for the dead and gave 3 $100 each to the following friends: Mrs. Lucy A. Dickey, Mrs. Mary Mahan, Mrs. Frances Tanzer, Mrs.

Rose J. Trumm, Miss Thelma McDonald and Miss' Dora Wenzel and $250 to Mrs. Mildred C. Van Cleve. Another bequest of $500 is given to the order of St.

Assisi. She asks that she be buried at Sublimity and not over $500 be expenda ed for funeral costs. NAVAL DELEGATES REACH NEW YORK (Continued from page Stimson had ready a speech which amplified his initial remarks the Macom. "We are bringing home a treaty which, we believe, will mean a long step forward from the Washington treaty," he said. "That treaty as you recall left destroyers, submarines and cruisers unlimited.

After several attempts the London conference has succeeded in ending petition on all types of erafts among the United States, Great Britain and Japan. We are very happy to be home. The delegates were in morning attire as they reached the city took their places in a parade to elty hall. A nineteen gun salute WAS boomed from Governor's Island AS the Macom passed into the harboran ambassadorial salute- and the music of Macom band was drowned at horns times by the screech of the tug: and steamer whistles. Stimson confined his remarks on the treaty to the brief statement above, but Senator Robinson, democrat, Arkansas, paved the way for the controversy that the senate promises to indulge in over the treaty.

He issued a statement in which he said: "It is province of the president to decide when the treaty shall be stibmitted to the senate for tion. Indications are that the treaty will be submitted at a very early date. I am not informed concerning the length of time allowed for discussion. "From my viewpoint the treaty presents issues which are not difficult to understand. The net result of the treaty if ratified by the United States, Great Britain and Japan, will be limitation of all categories of combat craft and the reduction of three or four classes of fighting ships." Independence--Several members of Lyon lodge, F.

A. went to Dallas Friday evening where they were the guests of Jennings lodge at a special meeting. A teature of the evening was a lecture on Masonry by Willard Marks of Albany. Spain is considering the establishment of Spanish automotive industry with an annual output of 20.000 cars. through the window of the partition door and the guards opened fire.

At this juncture, Col. Haubrich rushed in. "Stop shooting." he ordered. "Don't shoot again unless they try to break through the door." Meantime firemen atop the root deluged the prisoners with water. A prisoner shouted "back to your cells, everybody," and there was general rush for refuge.

Adjutant general Harry Reynolds, meantime, ordered three companies of infantry and a howitzer platoon to the scene. Columbus, Ohio (P) Seven men condemned to death who confined in the White City death house of Ohio penitentiary, were freed from their cells Monday night by' revolting convicts, it became known Tuesday afternoon. Three of those awaiting electrocution were recaptured Tuesday, after guards fired into the prison. Four others were sought in the cell block,.

The Capital Journal from Salem, Oregon (2024)


Why was Salem chosen as the capital of Oregon? ›

oregon territory 1855, when the territorial capital was briefly located in Corvallis. When oregon became a state it switched to oregon city. After a vote, salem became the new capital. It became the capital because of the mass population growing in the Willamette valley.

How did Salem, Oregon get its name? ›

It lies along the Willamette River, 43 miles (69 km) southwest of Portland. Methodist missionaries, led by Jason Lee, settled the site in 1840. Its Kalapuya Indian name, Chemeketa, meaning “place of rest,” was translated into the biblical name of Salem (from Hebrew shalom, “peace”).

Why isn't Oregon City the capital of Oregon? ›

Location​​ The location of the Oregon capital caused a spirited contest that lasted nearly 15 years. By a legislative act in 1851, the territorial government moved the capital to Salem from Oregon City.

How many square miles is Salem Oregon? ›

According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 48.45 square miles (125.48 km2), of which 47.90 square miles (124.06 km2) is land and 0.55 square miles (1.42 km2) is water.

What is the nickname for Salem Oregon? ›

10 Facts for Kids About Salem, Oregon
  • Salem has native origins. ...
  • Salem was colonized in the 1830s. ...
  • Willamette Valley is known for its tasty water. ...
  • Salem has had many names. ...
  • The first two capitol buildings burned down. ...
  • Salem's nickname is “Cherry City” due to its agricultural past.
Sep 18, 2020

What did Salem change its name? ›

In 1752, Salem Village was renamed Danvers, for settler Danvers Osborn, and was officially incorporated as the town of Danvers in 1757.

What is the nickname of Oregon? ›

Oregon was nicknamed the Beaver State because early settlers used to trap these animals for their fur.

What is Salem Oregon's sister city? ›

A history of friendships and connections between people

Since 1986 when we became sister cities, Salem and Kawagoe have enjoyed numerous exchanges, from artists and musicians to students and community members.

What is the nickname of Salem city? ›

Salem, Tamil Nadu
Nickname: Steel City
Salem Location in Tamil Nadu
Coordinates:11.65°N 78.15°E
32 more rows

What is the oldest city in Oregon? ›

Astoria, Oregon's oldest city, was founded in 1811 and as Astoria grew, activities gradually shifted to that city. Astoria was chosen by electors to be the county seat in 1854 and the first county government sat in Astoria in 1856.

What country owned Oregon before the US? ›

Originally Spain, Great Britain, Russia, and the United States claimed the territory. In 1819, under terms of the Transcontinental Treaty, Spain ceded its claims to the territory to the United States.

What is the largest town in Oregon? ›

Portland (/ˈpɔːrtlənd/ PORT-lənd) is the most populous city in the U.S. state of Oregon, located in the Pacific Northwest region.

Which city is bigger Salem Oregon or Eugene Oregon? ›

Is Eugene or Salem bigger? Eugene is only slightly bigger than Salem at 176,654 compared to Salem's 175,535. They are the second and third largest cities in Oregon by population.

What is the most expensive neighborhood in Salem Oregon? ›

Central Area

With a median home price of $575,505 and a median rent of $1,034, Central Area is the most expensive neighborhood on our list. Based on the growth in home prices in Central Area over the last 3 years, it ranks No. 1 among all the neighborhoods in Salem.

What is the best area of Salem Oregon? ›

Best Neighborhoods in Salem Oregon
  • Bush Park. With its tree-lined streets and historic architecture, the Bush Park neighborhood in Salem, Oregon, is an excellent choice if you're considering moving to Salem, Oregon. ...
  • Fairmount Hills. ...
  • Ironwood Estates. ...
  • Jan Ree. ...
  • Illahe Hills.

What is special about Salem, Oregon? ›

Salem, the capital city of Oregon, lies in the center of the lush Willamette Valley, surrounded by green pastures, fields of flowers, gardens, vegetables, orchards, and vineyards. Summer farmer's markets overflow with locally-raised produce and hand-crafted products.

Why is Salem Oregon the Cherry city? ›

Salem became known as the Cherry City as a result of the outstanding exhibits at the Cherry Fair held in July, 1907. Sponsored by the Marion County Horticultural Society, this fair was held in conjunction with the fifth annual convention of the Pacific Coast Association of Nurserymen.

When was Salem founded Oregon? ›

This spot along the Willamette River has drawn people since before recorded history, when the resident Kalapuya tribe called the area Chim-i-ki-ti, meaning “meeting or resting place.” Salem was founded in 1842 and became the capital of the Oregon Territory in 1851.

Why was the town named Salem? ›

In September 1628, John Endicott, first governor of Massachusetts Bay, gave the name Salem to the place called Naumkeag. It was previously settled by colonists of the Dorchester Company in 1626, who had first arrived in Cape Ann in 1623. Salem means “Peaceful” in Hebrew.

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.