Theresa Alone Gofundme (2025)

1. Theresa Emmerich: Centre for Ancient Technologies - GoFundMe

  • 24 aug 2021 · Help me to build a unique Centre for teaching Ancient Skills! I am in the process of looking for a plot of land in Sweden on which to develop this school.

  • Please help me to build a unique Centre for teaching Ancient Skills! … Theresa Kamper needs your support for Theresa Emmerich: Centre for Ancient Technologies

2. Fundraiser by Linda Harvey : Theresa needs help to rebuild after Explosion

  • 28 okt 2023 · At her advanced age, she is now completely alone and dependent on the mercy and kindness of others. Any funds collected will go toward repairing ...

  • Hi my name is Uddhava and I'm fundraising for a friend and family member, T… Linda Harvey needs your support for Theresa needs help to rebuild after Explosion

3. Empower Theresa's Path to Healing - GoFundMe

4. Theresa Emmerich - Facebook

  • I've been overwhelmed by the offers of financial help after Alone Season 8 came out on Netflix. Thank you so much! If you would like to help support this ...

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

5. Support Theresa in Chris's Memory - GoFundMe

  • 14 jun 2024 · Come together to support Theresa Gallegos in the wake of her husband, Chris's, death. In January 2024, Chris was diagnosed with stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer.

  • Hello friends and loved ones. Please come together to support Theresa Gallegos in the wa… Steph Burke needs your support for Support Theresa in Chris's Memory

6. Rally for Theresa's Medical Expenses - GoFundMe

  • 30 jun 2024 · I'm reaching out to you today on behalf of my beloved sister-in-law, Theresa, who is facing an unexpected and challenging medical journey.

  • I'm reaching out to you today on behalf of my beloved sister-in-law, Theresa, who i… Cindy Coleman needs your support for Rally for Theresa's Medical Expenses

7. Donate to Theresa's Journey to Becoming a Chef - GoFundMe

  • 20 aug 2024 · Hi Everyone, Theresa here! As some of you may or may not know, as of April 2024 I have been accepted to The Culinary Institute of America in ...

  • Hi Everyone, Theresa here! As some of you may or may not know, as of… Theresa Thomas needs your support for Donate to Theresa's Journey to Becoming a Chef

8. Theresa Kelly's Fundraisor: Journey to Recovery - GoFundMe

  • 23 jul 2023 · Theresa Kelly is organizing this fundraiser. ... UPDATE 11-17-23: My landlord raised my rent $600 and I was unable to find a roommate in time to ...

  • UPDATE 11-17-23: My landlord raised my rent $600 and I was unable to fin… Theresa Kelly needs your support for Theresa Kelly's Fundraisor: Journey to Recovery

9. Susan G. Komen® - DIY Groups Fundraiser 2024 : Theresa Coppock

  • And that's why I'm fundraising for this incredible cause; so that no one has to face breast cancer alone. It's my goal to raise as much as I can to support ...

  • You can create your own personal fundraiser to support Susan G. Komen. You can fundraiser however you want! When you register, you will receive a custom page, breast health information and much more.

10. Fundraiser by Colum PRICE : Empower Theresa and get her home.

  • 10 okt 2022 · Theresa is 66 years of age and has just been diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Motor Neuron Disease ( MND); this is the same ...

  • Hi, my name is Colum, and i am raising funds for my cousin Theresa. Theresa is 66 years … Colum PRICE needs your support for Empower Theresa and get her home.

Theresa Alone Gofundme (2025)


Does the person get all the money from GoFundMe? ›

Transaction fees are deducted automatically from donations; the person receiving funds will receive all funds raised minus these transaction fees. They can review what fees have been deducted under the "Breakdown" portion of the "Transfers" tab within their GoFundMe account.

What is the largest amount ever raised on GoFundMe? ›

List of projects
ProjectAmount raisedAs of
America's Food Fund$45,155,532April 6, 2022
Stand With Ukraine$37,059,792
Help Chelsea Manning Pay Her Court Fines$267,000March 14, 2020
Buffalo 5-14 Survivors Fund$5,539,786September 20, 2022
36 more rows

What is the percentage taken by GoFundMe? ›

So, what percentage does GoFundMe take for transaction fees? It's always free to start and manage a fundraiser on GoFundMe. To help us cover payment processing, there's a transaction fee of 2.9% + $0.30 per donation.

How do I make my GoFundMe campaign go viral? ›

By understanding your audience, crafting compelling stories, leveraging social media, collaborating with influencers, incorporating gamification, and engaging supporters, you pave the way for your online fundraising platform to go viral.

Does GoFundMe refund money if goal not reached? ›

You keep every donation you receive (minus the fees) even if you don't reach your target amount.

What is the downside of GoFundMe? ›

Transaction fees: GoFundMe transaction fees can be up to 8% per donation. Payment delays: Depending on your payment processor (i.e PayPal or WePay), payments can take up to 7 days to 30 days before being made available for use by campaigners via their GoFundMe account dashboard.

Do I pay taxes on GoFundMe? ›

“Donations made to personal GoFundMe fundraisers are generally considered to be 'personal gifts' which, for the most part, are not taxed as income in the United States,” GoFundMe explained. That said, according to the IRS, gifts of up to $18,000 from one individual to another can be made tax-free.

Is there a better option than GoFundMe? ›

Other important factors to consider when researching alternatives to GoFundMe include ease of use and reliability. The best overall GoFundMe alternative is Givebutter. Other similar apps like GoFundMe are Donorbox, Classy, Fundly, and Snap! Raise.

What is a normal tip for GoFundMe? ›

If the donor doesn't want to tip 15%, it's not obvious where to zero out the tip. Donors must opt out instead of opting in. Before implementing The Tip, GoFundMe charged the fundraiser a 5% fee. Both fees are in addition to a 2.9% + $0.30 transaction fee.

Why is no one donating to my GoFundMe? ›

When people don't feel a personal connection to your fundraiser, they're less likely to donate. The key to fixing this is by sharing personal stories or testimonials that highlight the impact of your cause.

What is the fastest way to make money on GoFundMe? ›

One of the fastest ways to raise money is to draw people into your story and let them know how urgent your situation is. Our fast fundraising ideas will point you in the right direction and help you rally your network around your cause.

Can I raise money for myself on GoFundMe? ›

Who are you fundraising for? If you'll be managing transfers yourself, whether to a personal or company account, select "Yourself". If you'll need to add a beneficiary, select "Someone else". And if you are raising funds for a charity and would like the funds to be sent directly to that charity, select “Charity”.

Do you get all proceeds from GoFundMe? ›

One small transaction fee is automatically deducted per donation. Everything else goes directly to your cause, because that's what matters most. Here's how it works.

Does the person who receives the money have to pay tax on it on GoFundMe? ›

“Donations made to personal GoFundMe fundraisers are generally considered to be 'personal gifts' which, for the most part, are not taxed as income in the United States,” GoFundMe explained. That said, according to the IRS, gifts of up to $18,000 from one individual to another can be made tax-free.

What happens to leftover money from GoFundMe? ›

By ending the fundraiser, no one will be able to continue donating, and the account will remain in the original organizer's name. If bank transfers were set up and verified, any remaining funds will be transferred to the bank account on file.

How does the recipient get money from GoFundMe? ›

How a beneficiary account works. After your beneficiary has accepted the invitation, a separate GoFundMe account will be created for them that's connected to your fundraiser. They can sign into this separate account and set up their transfers, then funds will automatically be sent to their bank account.

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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Views: 5693

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (57 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.